Back to School: Doodle Lunch Box Idea

on August 15, 2018

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Update your meal planning with this cute doodle lunch box idea!

So…. a few weeks ago I started on the Ketogenic diet. I’m sure a lot of you have either awesome stories to go with this or words of caution. I get it. I also know that I need to make a positive change and in terms of dieting – this is what works for me without a ton of stress. Its more of I need a lifestyle change and to have control over what I’m eating because ya’ll, if there are cupcakes in front of me, I WILL eat those for my daily calorie intake. I am not even kidding.

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MAKE IT: Washi Tape Pencils

I digress. I started some new eating habits which have been great. I’m not forgetting to eat and then grabbing lunch wherever and more often than not I have to have the “You have food at home” talk with myself. Knowing what I can and can’t have has been great for me. In the process of all of this though, I’ve really had to take meal planning to heart and that means I really wanted some cute but functional lunch containers. YEP! I packed a lunch every day for class and work. As much as it annoyed me to have to do it, it was super helpful to not worry about what I was going to eat each day.

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I really like these containers because they’re glass so they’re more heavy duty and I know they’re going to clean up better than my normal plastic and I feel like overall, they’re better for the environment? Maybe? Anyway. Lunch boxes.

This is a super easy DIY and all you really need are some oil based sharpies or enamel paint and your glass container. Pretty easy right?

Doodle Lunch Box Idea

Time: 15 minutes or less
Cost: $25 or less
Suggested listening: Jason Isbell – The Nashville Sound

Glass Meal Prep Containers – I got mine at TJ Maxx but you can find similar ones here
Enamel Paint Markers or Enamel paint and a brush

Make sure your glass is clean by wiping it down with some rubbing alcohol and a clean cloth.

supplies - lunch box idea - paint

Then Doodle! I was really feeling the triangles this time around so I just went with a repeating pattern. SarahHearts did some really beautiful doodles here and there are a ton of options. Make it your own!

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MAKE IT: DIY Floral Laptop Case

Once you’re happy with your work you can cure it in an oven – Let it dry for 1 hour then set glass in a cool oven and heat to 375. Bake for 30 minutes then allow to cool in the oven as well. OR You can just leave it for a few days and you’re good to go as well. But I know ya’ll want to use them ASAP so just bake them.

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blendo diy cat treats jar
Harry Potter Spell Pencils

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