DIY Kids Melted Crayons Valentines (with printable)

on January 25, 2016

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Since the third grade I have always promised myself I’d make me own valentines, and since the third grade I have not accomplished this. Don’t get me wrong, I hand them out, but they’re usually the store bought kind in whatever quirky thing I’m feeling when I go shopping. Since I’ve been working with kids though, I realized how easy it can be. Yes, I said easy. Apparently I was a bit overambitious before this. Who knew!


 DIY Valentines with your kids - Melted crayon hearts -
You can make your own cute valentines with all of those leftover melted crayons… or new ones if you don’t have bits of old ones. We’ve all done it, but the heart shape and printable card are what make them perfect for valentines.

 DIY Valentines with your kids - Melted crayon hearts -


Here’s what you’ll need:
Card Stock & a printer for your valentines
Old crayons – We didn’t have any, so I used 2 boxes of Crayola 24 ct. This should make enough for a class of 24-ish
Exacto Knife
Heart shaped silicone mold – I got ours from Ikea for 99¢. No need to go buy fancy ones.
Rubber cement, glue dots, or tape


1. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees.
2. I like to let the kids help me as much as possible with these, so you’re going slice down the length of a crayon and hand it over to your kiddo. This is great for them to work on dexterity for little fingers.
DIY Valentines with your kids - Melted crayon hearts -
  • If any of the paper gets stuck or is especially hard to peel off, soak the crayon in some warm water for about 10 minutes
  • We tried to keep color families separate so Red, Pink, Orange in one. Blue, Green, Yellow in another. White, black, grey and brown in another (we spread the white in with the pinks later, but didn’t use brown and grey)

DIY Valentines with your kids - Melted crayon hearts - DIY Valentines with your kids - Melted crayon hearts -

3. Have the kids break the peeled crayons into as small pieces as possible. We usually got about 4 pieces out of them. Then go in with your knife and slice them into smaller bits.

4. Have your kiddos fill up the molds with the color families. (you might need to spread them out later) Fill them up as much as possible, they’ll definitely melt down, don’t worry.

  • Noah (5) was really into making sure everything was even
  • Peyton (2.5) was really just into dumping everything in the middle.

DIY Valentines with your kids - Melted crayon hearts -  DIY Valentines with your kids - Melted crayon hearts -

5. Put your molds onto a baking tray and pop them into the oven for 10-15 minutes depending on your oven.  Ours took about 13. Then pull them out and let them cool. (this takes about 2 hours max.) – Don’t worry about mixing or swirling these, they’ll come out plenty mixed!

DIY Valentines with your kids - Melted crayon hearts -

6. While those are  cooling, print out your cards and have your kids help you address them. If they’re starting to write their names, this is perfect practice. If they’re not old enough, a scribble is adorable. (click the images below for full size)

DIY Valentines with your kids - Melted crayon hearts -

7. Once everything is cooled off, secure your hearts to each card using your rubber cement, or tape, or glue dots.

8. Take them to school, work, etc and let everyone marvel at your creative prowess.DIY Valentines with your kids - Melted crayon hearts -


  • Reply Julie


    January 25, 2016 at 4:08 pm
    • Reply Chelsea

      Thanks! <3

      January 28, 2016 at 10:33 pm
  • Reply Shirley

    I love this! I can’t wait until I can try this with my kids! I get so tired of buying valentines just to have them thrown away now my child’s class mates can take their valentines home and create! Good job

    January 25, 2016 at 5:35 pm
    • Reply Chelsea

      Thanks Shirley! I’d love to hear how this goes!

      January 28, 2016 at 10:32 pm
  • Reply Kelly

    Now iI need to find a child to borrow so its not weird when I do this! Excited to see what else you have in store for us!

    January 26, 2016 at 5:26 am
    • Reply Chelsea

      Hahaha! Babysitting is encouraged. Or you can do them yourself? Adult coloring is all the rage

      January 28, 2016 at 10:32 pm
  • Reply Elisha

    We made these today and had so much fun!! We are excited to glue them to the envelopes holding her valentines. This was such a sweet idea, thanks for posting! Can’t wait to see what you have up next! Xo

    January 31, 2016 at 11:02 pm
    • Reply Chelsea

      Aw, I’m so glad you guys did them! Can’t wait to see how they turned out!

      January 31, 2016 at 11:04 pm
  • Reply 10 Family Activities for Valentine's Day - Lipgloss and Crayons

    […] Heart Shaped Crayons: Use old crayons to create heart shaped crayons perfect for love notes (or love […]

    February 3, 2016 at 10:00 pm
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