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Movie Inspired

19 Doctor Who Crafts You Gotta Try

on September 7, 2016

What was your first experience with Doctor Who? Was it the classics or the new? Was it with a parent or best friend? I’m sure we all have stories of when we first saw one of our most beloved TV shows. If it wasn’t Doctor Who, what was it?

I very distinctly remember seeing it for the first time on the Sci Fi Channel (before they rebranded to SyFy) with my dad flicking through channels. He had been watching the very first episode and when I asked him what it was, he just said it was some cheesy scifi show and switched the channel. I didn’t re-discover the show until I was living in England some 3 years later. I didn’t realize how much I had been missing. Donna was the companion and I found out that we were on the 2nd Doctor of the new series and I felt like I had come late to the party. Once I went down the rabbit hole, there was no going back. I found that there was an entirely different set of Doctors before this and I had so much to catch up on!

The thing is though, being late to the party can sometimes be a good thing. There’s like this whole treasure trove of things to discover. It’s like falling in love with The Beatles ‘Let it Be’ and realizing that there is an ENTIRE back catalogue of musical era’s to discover. Pretty epic right?

19 fun DIY projects for the discerning Time Lord. Doctor Who Crafts for all skill levels from home decor to gifts and accessories.

Okay, so back to Dr. Who. What kind of crafter would I be if I didn’t give you a list of Doctor Who Crafts? Here are 19 Doctor Who Crafts for you and your companions to make.

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18 Items for a Magical Harry Potter Bathroom Experience

on August 31, 2016

This post contains affiliate links. Shopping from these links helps support this website and my addiction to cupcakes and craft supplies.

So, the story is that when we got our apartment it had (has?) a small half bathroom under the stairs. And my room mate at the time and I were so enamoured by this that we decided to make it a Harry Potter themed bathroom, because… why not? It’s like the cupboard under the stairs that Harry lived in until he started getting Hogwarts letters! Though…. not as dreary.

Enjoy a magical bathroom experience with these awesome 18 Harry Potter Bathroom Decor Ideas! Perfect for Muggles and Wizards alike!
I would spend HOURS pinning pieces I’d like to add, or designs I liked, or anything that really struck my fancy. It’s been 3 years in this apartment and I’m finally getting my butt in gear to actually decorate this place as it has that “I bought this because it was cheap and served a function” vibe. In other words, it’s a little stark.

Here are the 18 pieces you need for the best Harry Potter Bathroom Experience ever. And let’s be honest… who doesn’t want to feel magical while they’re going potty? I know I do!

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Magical and Delicious Boozy Butterbeer Cupcakes (that might get you drunk)

on August 18, 2016

You guys, please excuse my while I enjoy today’s Butterbeer Cupcakes recipe while snuggled up in my cozy socks and a cup of tea…. No? It’s still summer you say? Tough!!!  Okay, here’s the story.

In my senior year of high school, I had a teacher that (while meaning well) pretty much made me over analyze EVERYTHING.  To the point where I could not even watch the newest episode of Star Wars without enjoying it.. I mean, it wasn’t the best movie anyway, but still. I believe this was Episode 3, not 7. 7 was awesome. Anyhoo. I had a hard time reading because having to over analyze things just sucked the enjoyment out of reading for me.  Anyone else have a class like that? How did you deal with it?

Who says Harry Potter is just for kids? Make these Magical and Delicious boozy butterbeer cupcakes for your next party and cast a spell on your friends.

After high school, I ended up reading nothing but Harry Potter for the next 6 months unless I had to read something for a class. And honestly, I feel like those books made me LOVE reading again. Sure there’s symbolism out the frame, but at the end of they day they are really well written worlds that you can sink into. Did I mention that prior to this period I had probably read the books 3-4 times each anyway? Yep. Nerd alert! I’m gonna be honest though… I feel like I’m a hufflepuff, but I keep testing Ravenclaw. Boo.

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DIY Disney Bound Pete’s Dragon Clutch

on August 10, 2016

This post may contain sponsored and affiliate links. Purchasing from these links helps support this website and my craft supply addiction.
Have you been disneybounding yet? I’m a bit in love with it. If you haven’t heard of disneybounding, it’s where you subtly dress up like characters and rides from the wonderful world of Disney. I’m particularly proud of this project because not only is it adorable, but it is unique and gets a ton of compliments when I’m out. If you want even more inspiration (including Mommy and Me style) and info about the movie, check out Lipgloss and Crayon’s post here.
Celebrate Disney's Pete's Dragon with this Elliot inspired DIY Disney Bound Pete's Dragon Clutch! How cute!

But first! Can we talk about Pete’s Dragon please? I was born way after the original came out and at some point I think my parents deemed it too messed up and weird for my little eyes, so I never really saw it until I was an adult. That being said, when I finally did see it, I fell in love with Elliot. While he may be a cute, clumsy and mischevious dragon he is also a fierce protector. He sticks with Pete even while Pete tells him he’s doing everything wrong  and really just loves on this child and takes care of him the best way he knows how.

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DIY Sharknado Costume Shirt

on July 28, 2016

I may have missed shark week, but you know what I did not miss? SHARKNADO!!

Yes, yes, I know. Sharknado Chelsea? Really? To which I emphatically reply YES! Those movies are the epitome of cheesy sci-fi and I adore them. We’re coming up on 4 now and I’m excited for all of the random cameos, really stupid ways they kill sharks (and people) and the drinking game we’ll probably play during it. This will be year number 3 (we didn’t do one for the first Sharknado) that my friends and I have done some type of Sharknado cookout or party. This year promises to be epic because I’m helping thrown that party with a friend at her beautiful home!


Are you going to watch it? Will you snap me your MST3K references?  (I’m @ChelseaRiot on Snapchat!)

However, all of this being said, you’re probably like me in that you’re really excited about this television event and you wanna look festive but you’re really lazy and don’t feel like making anything. Wow, that was a really long sentence. Anyhoo, I’m right there with you. I’m going to grab some felt and an old shirt over here and show you how to make a really cool and really simple Sharknado Costume shirt. Come follow along so you can look super creative at your own sharknado viewing party…. even if it’s just you and your cat (yes, I went there. Deal with it)

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